
Install pymia using pip (e.g., within a Python virtual environment):

pip install pymia

Alternatively, you can download or clone the code from GitHub and install pymia by

git clone
cd pymia
python install


pymia requires Python 3.6 (or higher) and depends on the following packages:


For the package, not all dependencies are installed directly due to their heaviness. Meaning, you need to either manually install PyTorch by

  • pip install torch

or TensorFlow by

  • pip install tensorflow

depending on your preferred deep learning framework when using the package. Upon loading a module from the package, pymia will always check if the required dependencies are fulfilled.

Building the documentation

Building the documentation requires the following packages:

Install the required packages using pip:

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
pip install nbsphinx
pip install sphinx-copybutton
pip install jupyter

Run Sphinx in the pymia root directory to create the documentation:

  • sphinx-build -b html ./docs ./docs/_build

  • The documentation is now available under ./docs/_build/index.html


To build the documentation, it might be required to install pandoc.

In case of the warning WARNING: LaTeX command ‘latex’ cannot be run (needed for math display), check the imgmath_latex setting, set the imgmath_latex setting in the ./docs/ file.