Creation of a dataset

This example shows how to use the package to create a HDF5 (hierarchical data format version 5) dataset. All examples follow the use case of medical image segmentation of brain tissues, see Examples for an introduction into the data. Therefore, we create a dataset with the four subjects and their data: a T1-weighted MR image, a T2-weighted MR image, a label image (ground truth, GT), and a mask image, as well as demographic information age, grade point average (GPA), and gender.


This example is available as Jupyter notebook at ./examples/data/creation.ipynb and Python script at ./examples/data/


To be able to run this example:

Import the required modules.

import enum
import glob
import os
import typing

import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np

import as data
import as conv
import as defs
import as crt
import as tfm
import as file_load

Let us first define an enumeration with the data we will write to the dataset.

class FileTypes(enum.Enum):
    T1 = 1  # The T1-weighted MR image
    T2 = 2  # The T2-weighted MR image
    GT = 3  # The label (ground truth) image
    MASK = 4  # The foreground mask
    AGE = 5  # The age
    GPA = 6  # The GPA
    GENDER = 7  # The gender

Next, we define a subject. Each subject will have two structural MR images (T1w, T2w), one label image (ground truth), a mask, two numericals (age and GPA), and the gender (a character “m” or “w”).

class Subject(data.SubjectFile):

    def __init__(self, subject: str, files: dict):
                         images={ files[FileTypes.T1], files[FileTypes.T2]},
                         labels={ files[FileTypes.GT]},
                         mask={ files[FileTypes.MASK]},
                         numerical={ files[FileTypes.AGE], files[FileTypes.GPA]},
                         gender={ files[FileTypes.GENDER]})
        self.subject_path = files.get(subject, '')

We now collect the subjects, and initialize a Subject holding paths to each of the data.

data_dir = '../example-data'

# get subjects
subject_dirs = [subject_dir for subject_dir in glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*')) if os.path.isdir(subject_dir) and os.path.basename(subject_dir).startswith('Subject')]

# the keys of the data to write to the dataset
keys = [FileTypes.T1, FileTypes.T2, FileTypes.GT, FileTypes.MASK, FileTypes.AGE, FileTypes.GPA, FileTypes.GENDER]

subjects = []
# for each subject on file system, initialize a Subject object
for subject_dir in subject_dirs:
    id_ = os.path.basename(subject_dir)

    file_dict = {id_: subject_dir}  # init dict with id_ pointing to the path of the subject
    for file_key in keys:
        if file_key == FileTypes.T1:
            file_name = f'{id_}_T1.mha'
        elif file_key == FileTypes.T2:
            file_name = f'{id_}_T2.mha'
        elif file_key == FileTypes.GT:
            file_name = f'{id_}_GT.mha'
        elif file_key == FileTypes.MASK:
            file_name = f'{id_}_MASK.nii.gz'
        elif file_key == FileTypes.AGE or file_key == FileTypes.GPA or file_key == FileTypes.GENDER:
            file_name = f'{id_}_demographic.txt'
            raise ValueError('Unknown key')

        file_dict[file_key] = os.path.join(subject_dir, file_name)

    subjects.append(Subject(id_, file_dict))

Then, we define a LoadData class. We load the structural MR images (T1w and T2w) as float and the other images as int. The age, GPA, and gender are loaded from the text file.

class LoadData(file_load.Load):

    def __call__(self, file_name: str, id_: str, category: str, subject_id: str) -> \
            typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, typing.Union[conv.ImageProperties, None]]:
        if id_ ==
            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
                value = np.asarray([int(f.readline().split(':')[1].strip())])
                return value, None
        if id_ ==
            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
                value = np.asarray([float(f.readlines()[1].split(':')[1].strip())])
                return value, None
        if id_ ==
            with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
                value = np.array(f.readlines()[2].split(':')[1].strip())
                return value, None

        if category == defs.KEY_IMAGES:
            img = sitk.ReadImage(file_name, sitk.sitkFloat32)
            # this is the ground truth (defs.KEY_LABELS) and mask, which will be loaded as unsigned integer
            img = sitk.ReadImage(file_name, sitk.sitkUInt8)

        # return both the image intensities as np.ndarray and the properties of the image
        return sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img), conv.ImageProperties(img)

Finally, we can use a writer to create the HDF5 dataset by passing the list of Subjects and the LoadData to a Traverser. For the structural MR images, we also apply an intensity normalization.

hdf_file = '../example-data/example-dataset.h5'

# remove the "old" dataset if it exists
if os.path.exists(hdf_file):

with crt.get_writer(hdf_file) as writer:
    # initialize the callbacks that will actually write the data to the dataset file
    callbacks = crt.get_default_callbacks(writer)

    # add a transform to normalize the structural MR images
    transform = tfm.IntensityNormalization(loop_axis=3, entries=(defs.KEY_IMAGES, ))

    # run through the subject files (loads them, applies transformations, and calls the callback for writing them)
    traverser = crt.Traverser()
    traverser.traverse(subjects, callback=callbacks, load=LoadData(), transform=transform)
start dataset creation
[1/4] Subject_1
[2/4] Subject_2
[3/4] Subject_3
[4/4] Subject_4
dataset creation finished

This should now have created a example-dataset.h5 in the directory ./examples/example-data. By using a HDF5 viewer like HDF Compass or HDFView, we can inspect the dataset. It should look similar to the figure below.

The dataset structure.