Source code for pymia.filtering.registration

"""The registration module provides classes for image registration.

See Also:
    - `ITK Registration <>`_

    - `ITK Software Guide Registration <>`_
import abc
import enum
import os
import typing

import SimpleITK as sitk

import pymia.filtering.filter as pymia_fltr

[docs]class RegistrationType(enum.Enum): """Represents the registration transformation type.""" AFFINE = 1 SIMILARITY = 2 RIGID = 3 BSPLINE = 4
[docs]class RegistrationCallback(abc.ABC): def __init__(self) -> None: """Represents the abstract handler for the registration callbacks.""" self.registration_method = None self.fixed_image = None self.moving_image = None self.transform = None
[docs] def set_params(self, registration_method: sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod, fixed_image: sitk.Image, moving_image: sitk.Image, transform: sitk.Transform): """Sets the parameters that might be used during the callbacks Args: registration_method (sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod): The registration method. fixed_image (sitk.Image): The fixed image. moving_image (sitk.Image): The moving image. transform (sitk.Transform): The transformation. """ self.registration_method = registration_method self.fixed_image = fixed_image self.moving_image = moving_image self.transform = transform # link the callback functions to the events self.registration_method.AddCommand(sitk.sitkStartEvent, self.registration_started) self.registration_method.AddCommand(sitk.sitkEndEvent, self.registration_ended) self.registration_method.AddCommand(sitk.sitkMultiResolutionIterationEvent, self.registration_resolution_changed) self.registration_method.AddCommand(sitk.sitkIterationEvent, self.registration_iteration_ended)
[docs] def registration_ended(self): """Callback for the EndEvent.""" pass
[docs] def registration_started(self): """Callback for the StartEvent.""" pass
[docs] def registration_resolution_changed(self): """Callback for the MultiResolutionIterationEvent.""" pass
[docs] def registration_iteration_ended(self): """Callback for the IterationEvent.""" pass
[docs]class MultiModalRegistrationParams(pymia_fltr.FilterParams): def __init__(self, fixed_image: sitk.Image, fixed_image_mask: sitk.Image = None, callbacks: typing.List[RegistrationCallback] = None): """Represents parameters for the multi-modal rigid registration used by the :class:`.MultiModalRegistration` filter. Args: fixed_image (sitk.Image): The fixed image for the registration. fixed_image_mask (sitk.Image): A mask for the fixed image to limit the registration. callbacks (t.List[RegistrationCallback]): Path to the directory where to plot the registration progress if any. Note that this increases the computational time. """ self.fixed_image = fixed_image self.fixed_image_mask = fixed_image_mask self.callbacks = callbacks
[docs]class MultiModalRegistration(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, registration_type: RegistrationType = RegistrationType.RIGID, number_of_histogram_bins: int = 200, learning_rate: float = 1.0, step_size: float = 0.001, number_of_iterations: int = 200, relaxation_factor: float = 0.5, shrink_factors: typing.List[int] = (2, 1, 1), smoothing_sigmas: typing.List[float] = (2, 1, 0), sampling_percentage: float = 0.2, sampling_seed: int = sitk.sitkWallClock, resampling_interpolator=sitk.sitkBSpline): """Represents a multi-modal image registration filter. The filter estimates a 3-dimensional rigid or affine transformation between images of different modalities using - Mutual information similarity metric - Linear interpolation - Gradient descent optimization Args: registration_type (RegistrationType): The type of the registration ('rigid' or 'affine'). number_of_histogram_bins (int): The number of histogram bins. learning_rate (float): The optimizer's learning rate. step_size (float): The optimizer's step size. Each step in the optimizer is at least this large. number_of_iterations (int): The maximum number of optimization iterations. relaxation_factor (float): The relaxation factor to penalize abrupt changes during optimization. shrink_factors (typing.List[int]): The shrink factors at each shrinking level (from high to low). smoothing_sigmas (typing.List[int]): The Gaussian sigmas for smoothing at each shrinking level (in physical units). sampling_percentage (float): Fraction of voxel of the fixed image that will be used for registration (0, 1]. Typical values range from 0.01 (1 %) for low detail images to 0.2 (20 %) for high detail images. The higher the fraction, the higher the computational time. sampling_seed: The seed for reproducible behavior. resampling_interpolator: Interpolation to be applied while resampling the image by the determined transformation. Examples: The following example shows the usage of the MultiModalRegistration class. >>> fixed_image = sitk.ReadImage('/path/to/image/fixed.mha') >>> moving_image = sitk.ReadImage('/path/to/image/moving.mha') >>> registration = MultiModalRegistration() # specify parameters to your needs >>> parameters = MultiModalRegistrationParams(fixed_image) >>> registered_image = registration.execute(moving_image, parameters) """ super().__init__() if len(shrink_factors) != len(smoothing_sigmas): raise ValueError("shrink_factors and smoothing_sigmas need to be same length") self.registration_type = registration_type self.number_of_histogram_bins = number_of_histogram_bins self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.step_size = step_size self.number_of_iterations = number_of_iterations self.relaxation_factor = relaxation_factor self.shrink_factors = shrink_factors self.smoothing_sigmas = smoothing_sigmas self.sampling_percentage = sampling_percentage self.sampling_seed = sampling_seed self.resampling_interpolator = resampling_interpolator registration = sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod() # similarity metric # will compare how well the two images match each other # registration.SetMetricAsJointHistogramMutualInformation(self.number_of_histogram_bins, 1.5) registration.SetMetricAsMattesMutualInformation(self.number_of_histogram_bins) registration.SetMetricSamplingStrategy(registration.RANDOM) registration.SetMetricSamplingPercentage(self.sampling_percentage, self.sampling_seed) # An image gradient calculator based on ImageFunction is used instead of image gradient filters # set to True uses GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter # set to False uses CentralDifferenceImageFunction # see also registration.SetMetricUseFixedImageGradientFilter(False) registration.SetMetricUseMovingImageGradientFilter(False) # interpolator # will evaluate the intensities of the moving image at non-rigid positions registration.SetInterpolator(sitk.sitkLinear) # optimizer # is required to explore the parameter space of the transform in search of optimal values of the metric if self.registration_type == RegistrationType.BSPLINE: registration.SetOptimizerAsLBFGSB() else: registration.SetOptimizerAsRegularStepGradientDescent(learningRate=self.learning_rate, minStep=self.step_size, numberOfIterations=self.number_of_iterations, relaxationFactor=self.relaxation_factor, gradientMagnitudeTolerance=1e-4, estimateLearningRate=registration.EachIteration, maximumStepSizeInPhysicalUnits=0.0) registration.SetOptimizerScalesFromPhysicalShift() # setup for the multi-resolution framework registration.SetShrinkFactorsPerLevel(self.shrink_factors) registration.SetSmoothingSigmasPerLevel(self.smoothing_sigmas) registration.SmoothingSigmasAreSpecifiedInPhysicalUnitsOn() self.registration = registration self.transform = None
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: MultiModalRegistrationParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes a multi-modal rigid registration. Args: image (sitk.Image): The moving image to register. params (MultiModalRegistrationParams): The parameters, which contain the fixed image. Returns: sitk.Image: The registered image. """ if params is None: raise ValueError("params is not defined") dimension = image.GetDimension() if dimension not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('Image dimension {} is not among the accepted (2, 3)'.format(dimension)) # set a transform that is applied to the moving image to initialize the registration if self.registration_type == RegistrationType.BSPLINE: transform_domain_mesh_size = [10] * image.GetDimension() initial_transform = sitk.BSplineTransformInitializer(params.fixed_image, transform_domain_mesh_size) else: if self.registration_type == RegistrationType.RIGID: transform_type = sitk.VersorRigid3DTransform() if dimension == 3 else sitk.Euler2DTransform() elif self.registration_type == RegistrationType.AFFINE: transform_type = sitk.AffineTransform(dimension) elif self.registration_type == RegistrationType.SIMILARITY: transform_type = sitk.Similarity3DTransform() if dimension == 3 else sitk.Similarity2DTransform() else: raise ValueError('not supported registration_type') initial_transform = sitk.CenteredTransformInitializer(sitk.Cast(params.fixed_image, image.GetPixelIDValue()), image, transform_type, sitk.CenteredTransformInitializerFilter.GEOMETRY) self.registration.SetInitialTransform(initial_transform, inPlace=True) if params.fixed_image_mask: self.registration.SetMetricFixedMask(params.fixed_image_mask) if params.callbacks is not None: for callback in params.callbacks: callback.set_params(self.registration, params.fixed_image, image, initial_transform) self.transform = self.registration.Execute(sitk.Cast(params.fixed_image, sitk.sitkFloat32), sitk.Cast(image, sitk.sitkFloat32)) if self.verbose: print('MultiModalRegistration:\n Final metric value: {0}'.format(self.registration.GetMetricValue())) print(' Optimizer\'s stopping condition, {0}'.format( self.registration.GetOptimizerStopConditionDescription())) elif self.number_of_iterations == self.registration.GetOptimizerIteration(): print('MultiModalRegistration: Optimizer terminated at number of iterations and did not converge!') return sitk.Resample(image, params.fixed_image, self.transform, self.resampling_interpolator, 0.0, image.GetPixelIDValue())
def __str__(self): """Gets a nicely printable string representation. Returns: str: The string representation. """ return 'MultiModalRegistration:\n' \ ' registration_type: {self.registration_type}\n' \ ' number_of_histogram_bins: {self.number_of_histogram_bins}\n' \ ' learning_rate: {self.learning_rate}\n' \ ' step_size: {self.step_size}\n' \ ' number_of_iterations: {self.number_of_iterations}\n' \ ' relaxation_factor: {self.relaxation_factor}\n' \ ' shrink_factors: {self.shrink_factors}\n' \ ' smoothing_sigmas: {self.smoothing_sigmas}\n' \ ' sampling_percentage: {self.sampling_percentage}\n' \ ' resampling_interpolator: {self.resampling_interpolator}\n' \ .format(self=self)
[docs]class PlotOnResolutionChangeCallback(RegistrationCallback): def __init__(self, plot_dir: str, file_name_prefix: str = '') -> None: """Represents a plotter for registrations. Saves the moving image on each resolution change and the registration end. Args: plot_dir (str): Path to the directory where to save the plots. file_name_prefix (str): The file name prefix for the plots. """ super().__init__() self.plot_dir = plot_dir self.file_name_prefix = file_name_prefix self.resolution = 0
[docs] def registration_ended(self): """Callback for the EndEvent.""" self._write_image('end')
[docs] def registration_started(self): """Callback for the StartEvent.""" self.resolution = 0
[docs] def registration_resolution_changed(self): """Callback for the MultiResolutionIterationEvent.""" self._write_image('res' + str(self.resolution)) self.resolution = self.resolution + 1
[docs] def registration_iteration_ended(self): """Callback for the IterationEvent."""
def _write_image(self, file_name_suffix: str): """Writes an image.""" file_name = os.path.join(self.plot_dir, self.file_name_prefix + '_' + file_name_suffix + '.mha') moving_transformed = sitk.Resample(self.moving_image, self.fixed_image, self.transform, sitk.sitkLinear, 0.0, self.moving_image.GetPixelIDValue()) sitk.WriteImage(moving_transformed, file_name)