Source code for pymia.filtering.postprocessing

"""The post-processing module provides filters for image post-processing."""
import SimpleITK as sitk

import pymia.filtering.filter as pymia_fltr

[docs]class BinaryThreshold(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, threshold: float): """Represents a binary threshold image filter. Args: threshold (float): The threshold value. """ super().__init__() self.threshold = threshold self.filter = sitk.BinaryThresholdImageFilter() self.filter.SetInsideValue(0) self.filter.SetOutsideValue(1) self.filter.SetUpperThreshold(self.threshold)
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: pymia_fltr.FilterParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes the binary threshold filter on an image. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (FilterParams): The filter parameters (unused). Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ return self.filter.Execute(image)
[docs]class LargestNConnectedComponents(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, number_of_components: int = 1, consecutive_component_labels: bool = False): """Represents a largest N connected components filter. Extracts the largest N connected components from a label image. By default the N components will all have the value 1 in the output image. Use the `consecutive_component_labels` option such that the largest has value 1, the second largest has value 2, etc. Background is always assumed to be 0. Args: number_of_components (int): The number of largest components to extract. consecutive_component_labels (bool): The largest component has value 1, the second largest has value 2, ect. if set to True; otherwise, all components will have value 1. """ super().__init__() if not number_of_components >= 1: raise ValueError("number_of_components must be larger or equal to 1") self.number_of_components = number_of_components self.consecutive_component_labels = consecutive_component_labels
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: pymia_fltr.FilterParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes the largest N connected components filter on an image. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (FilterParams): The filter parameters (unused). Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ image = sitk.ConnectedComponent(image) image = sitk.RelabelComponent(image) if self.consecutive_component_labels: return sitk.Threshold(image, lower=1, upper=self.number_of_components, outsideValue=0) else: return sitk.BinaryThreshold(image, lowerThreshold=1, upperThreshold=self.number_of_components, insideValue=1, outsideValue=0)
def __str__(self): """Gets a printable string representation. Returns: str: String representation. """ return 'LargestNConnectedComponents:\n' \ ' number_of_components: {self.number_of_components}\n' \ ' consecutive_component_labels: {self.consecutive_component_labels}\n' \ .format(self=self)