Source code for pymia.filtering.misc

"""The misc (miscellaneous) module provides filters, which don't have a classical purpose."""
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import typing

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

import pymia.filtering.filter as pymia_fltr

[docs]class Relabel(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, label_changes: typing.Dict[int, typing.Union[int, tuple]]) -> None: """Represents a relabel filter. Args: label_changes(typing.Dict[int, typing.Union[int, tuple]]): Label change rule where the key is the new label and the value the existing (can be multiple) label. """ super().__init__() self.label_changes = label_changes
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: pymia_fltr.FilterParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes the relabeling of the label image. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (FilterParams): The filter parameters (unused). Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ np_img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) new_np_img = np_img.copy() for new_label, old_labels in self.label_changes.items(): mask = np.in1d(np_img.ravel(), old_labels).reshape(np_img.shape) new_np_img[mask] = new_label new_img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(new_np_img) new_img.CopyInformation(image) return new_img
def __str__(self): """Gets a printable string representation. Returns: str: String representation. """ str_list = [] for k, v in self.label_changes.items(): str_list.append('{}->{}'.format(k, v)) return 'Relabel:\n' \ ' label_changes: {label_changes}\n' \ .format(self=self, label_changes='; '.join(str_list))
[docs]class SizeCorrectionParams(pymia_fltr.FilterParams): def __init__(self, reference_shape: tuple) -> None: """Represents size (shape) correction filter parameters used by the :class:`.SizeCorrection` filter. Args: reference_shape (tuple): The reference or target shape. """ self.dims = len(reference_shape) self.reference_shape = reference_shape
[docs]class SizeCorrection(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, two_sided: bool = True, pad_constant: float = 0.0) -> None: """Represents a filter to correct the shape/size by padding or cropping. Args: two_sided (bool): Indicates whether the cropping and padding should be applied on one or both side(s) of the dimension. pad_constant (float): The constant value used for padding. """ super().__init__() self.two_sided = two_sided self.pad_constant = pad_constant
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: SizeCorrectionParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes the shape/size correction by padding or cropping. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (SizeCorrectionParams): The filter parameters containing the reference (target) shape. Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ if params is None: raise ValueError('ShapeParams argument is missing') if image.GetDimension() != params.dims: raise ValueError('image dimension {} is not compatible with reference shape dimension {}' .format(image.GetDimension(), params.dims)) image_shape = image.GetSize() crop = [params.dims*[0], params.dims*[0]] pad = [params.dims*[0], params.dims*[0]] for dim in range(params.dims): ref_size = params.reference_shape[dim] dim_size = image_shape[dim] if dim_size > ref_size: if self.two_sided: crop[0][dim] = (dim_size - ref_size) // 2 crop[1][dim] = (dim_size - ref_size) // 2 + ((dim_size - ref_size) % 2) else: crop[0][dim] = (dim_size - ref_size) elif dim_size < ref_size: if self.two_sided: pad[0][dim] = (ref_size - dim_size) // 2 pad[1][dim] = (ref_size - dim_size) // 2 + ((ref_size - dim_size) % 2) else: pad[0][dim] = (ref_size - dim_size) crop_needed = any(any(c) for c in crop) if crop_needed: image = sitk.Crop(image, crop[0], crop[1]) pad_needed = any(any(p) for p in pad) if pad_needed: image = sitk.ConstantPad(image, pad[0], pad[1], self.pad_constant) return image
def __str__(self): """Gets a printable string representation. Returns: str: String representation. """ return 'SizeCorrectionFilter:\n' \ ' two_sided: {self.two_sided}\n' \ .format(self=self)
[docs]class CmdlineExecutorParams(pymia_fltr.FilterParams): def __init__(self, arguments: typing.List[str]) -> None: """Command line executor filter parameters used by the :class:`.CmdlineExecutor` filter. Args: arguments (typing.List[str]): Additional arguments for the command line execution. """ self.arguments = arguments
[docs]class CmdlineExecutor(pymia_fltr.Filter): def __init__(self, executable_path: str): """Represents a command line executable. Use this filter to execute for instance a C++ command line program, which loads and image, processes, and saves it. Args: executable_path (str): The path to the executable to run. """ super().__init__() self.executable_path = executable_path
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: CmdlineExecutorParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes a command line program. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (CmdlineExecutorParams): The execution specific command line parameters. Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() temp_in = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'in.nii') sitk.WriteImage(image, temp_in) temp_out = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'out.nii') cmd = [self.executable_path, temp_in, temp_out] if params is not None: cmd = cmd + params.arguments, check=True) out_image = sitk.ReadImage(temp_out, image.GetPixelID()) # clean up os.remove(temp_in) os.remove(temp_out) return out_image
def __str__(self): """Gets a printable string representation. Returns: str: String representation. """ return 'CmdlineExecutor:\n' \ ' executable_path: {self.executable_path}\n' \ .format(self=self)