Source code for pymia.filtering.filter

"""This module provides classes to set up a filtering pipeline."""
import abc
import typing

import SimpleITK as sitk

[docs]class FilterParams(abc.ABC): """Represents a filter parameters interface."""
[docs]class Filter(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): """Filter base class.""" self.verbose = False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, image: sitk.Image, params: FilterParams = None) -> sitk.Image: """Executes a filter on an image. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. params (FilterParams): The filter parameters. Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class FilterPipeline: def __init__(self, filters: typing.List[Filter] = None): """Represents a filter pipeline, which sequentially executes filters (:class:`.Filter`) on an image. Args: filters (list of Filter): The filters of the pipeline. """ self.filters = [] # holds the `Filter`s self.params = [] # holds image-specific parameters if filters is not None: for filter_ in filters: self.add_filter(filter_)
[docs] def add_filter(self, filter_: Filter, params: FilterParams = None): """Adds a filter to the pipeline. Args: filter_ (Filter): A filter. params (FilterParams): The filter parameters. """ self.filters.append(filter_) self.params.append(params) # params must have the same length as filters
[docs] def set_param(self, params: FilterParams, filter_index: int): """Sets an image-specific parameter for a filter. Use this function to update the parameters of a filter to be specific to the image to be filtered. Args: params (FilterParams): The parameter(s). filter_index (int): The filter's index the parameters belong to. """ self.params[filter_index] = params
[docs] def execute(self, image: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: """Executes the filter pipeline on an image. Args: image (sitk.Image): The image to filter. Returns: sitk.Image: The filtered image. """ for param_index, filter_ in enumerate(self.filters): image = filter_.execute(image, self.params[param_index]) return image
def __str__(self): """Gets a printable string representation. Returns: str: String representation. """ string = 'FilterPipeline:\n' for filter_no, filter_ in enumerate(self.filters): string += ' ' + str(filter_no + 1) + '. ' + ' '.join(str(filter_).splitlines(True)) return string.format(self=self)