Source code for pymia.evaluation.writer

"""The writer module provides classes to write evaluation results.

All writers inherit the :class:`pymia.evaluation.writer.Writer`, which writes the results when
calling :meth:`pymia.evaluation.writer.Writer.write`. Currently, pymia has CSV file
(:class:`pymia.evaluation.writer.CSVWriter` and :class:`pymia.evaluation.writer.CSVStatisticsWriter`) and
console writers (:class:`pymia.evaluation.writer.ConsoleWriter` and :class:`pymia.evaluation.writer.ConsoleStatisticsWriter`).
import abc
import csv
import logging
import os
import typing

import numpy as np

import pymia.evaluation.evaluator as evaluator

[docs]class Writer(abc.ABC): """Represents an evaluation results writer base class."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result], **kwargs): """Writes the evaluation results. Args: results (list of evaluator.Result): The evaluation results. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConsoleWriterHelper: def __init__(self, use_logging: bool = False): """Represents a console writer helper. Args: use_logging (bool): Indicates whether to use the Python logging module or not. """ self.use_logging = use_logging
[docs] def format_and_write(self, lines: list): """Formats and writes the results. Args: lines (list of lists): The lines to write. Each line is a list of columns. """ # determine length of each column for output alignment lengths = np.array([list(map(len, row)) for row in lines]) lengths = np.max(lengths, axis=0) lengths += (len(lengths) - 1) * [2] + [0, ] # append two spaces except for last column # format with spaces for output alignment out = [[f'{val:<{lengths[idx]}}' for idx, val in enumerate(line)] for line in lines] if self.use_logging:'\n'.join(''.join(line) for line in out)) else: print('\n'.join(''.join(line) for line in out), sep='', end='\n')
[docs]class StatisticsAggregator: def __init__(self, functions: dict = None): """Represents a statistics evaluation results aggregator. Args: functions (dict): The numpy function handles to calculate the statistics. """ super().__init__() if functions is None: functions = {'MEAN': np.mean, 'STD': np.std} self.functions = functions
[docs] def calculate(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result]) -> typing.List[evaluator.Result]: """Calculates aggregated results (e.g., mean and standard deviation of a metric over all cases). Args: results (typing.List[evaluator.Result]): The results to aggregate. Returns: typing.List[evaluator.Result]: The aggregated results. """ # get unique labels and metrics labels = sorted({result.label for result in results}) metrics = sorted({result.metric for result in results}) aggregated_results = [] for label in labels: for metric in metrics: # search for results values = [r.value for r in results if r.label == label and r.metric == metric] for fn_id, fn in self.functions.items(): aggregated_results.append(evaluator.Result( fn_id, label, metric, float(fn(values)) )) return aggregated_results
[docs]class CSVWriter(Writer): def __init__(self, path: str, delimiter: str = ';'): """Represents a CSV file evaluation results writer. Args: path (str): The CSV file path. delimiter (str): The CSV column delimiter. """ super().__init__() self.path = path self.delimiter = delimiter # check file extension if not self.path.lower().endswith('.csv'): self.path = os.path.join(self.path, '.csv')
[docs] def write(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result], **kwargs): """Writes the evaluation results to a CSV file. Args: results (typing.List[evaluator.Result]): The evaluation results. """ # get unique ids, labels, and metrics ids = sorted({result.id_ for result in results}) labels = sorted({result.label for result in results}) metrics = sorted({result.metric for result in results}) with open(self.path, 'w', newline='') as file: # creates (and overrides an existing) file writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=self.delimiter) # write header writer.writerow(['SUBJECT', 'LABEL'] + metrics) for id_ in ids: for label in labels: row = [id_, label] for metric in metrics: # search for result value = next( (r.value for r in results if r.id_ == id_ and r.label == label and r.metric == metric), None) row.append(value if value is not None else 'n/a') writer.writerow(row)
[docs]class ConsoleWriter(Writer): def __init__(self, precision: int = 3, use_logging: bool = False): """Represents a console evaluation results writer. Args: precision (int): The decimal precision. use_logging (bool): Indicates whether to use the Python logging module or not. """ super().__init__() self.write_helper = ConsoleWriterHelper(use_logging) self.precision = precision
[docs] def write(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result], **kwargs): """Writes the evaluation results. Args: results (typing.List[evaluator.Result]): The evaluation results. """ # get unique ids, labels, and metrics ids = sorted({result.id_ for result in results}) labels = sorted({result.label for result in results}) metrics = sorted({result.metric for result in results}) # header lines = [['SUBJECT', 'LABEL'] + metrics] for id_ in ids: for label in labels: row = [id_, label] for metric in metrics: # search for result value = next( (r.value for r in results if r.id_ == id_ and r.label == label and r.metric == metric), None) if value is not None: # format float with given precision row.append(value if isinstance(value, str) else f'{value:.{self.precision}f}') else: row.append('n/a') lines.append(row) self.write_helper.format_and_write(lines)
[docs]class CSVStatisticsWriter(Writer): def __init__(self, path: str, delimiter: str = ';', functions: dict = None): """Represents a CSV file evaluation results statistics writer. Args: path (str): The CSV file path. delimiter (str): The CSV column delimiter. functions (dict): The functions to calculate the statistics. """ super().__init__() self.aggregator = StatisticsAggregator(functions) self.path = path self.delimiter = delimiter # check file extension if not self.path.lower().endswith('.csv'): self.path = os.path.join(self.path, '.csv')
[docs] def write(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result], **kwargs): """Writes the evaluation statistic results (e.g., mean and standard deviation of a metric over all cases). Args: results (typing.List[evaluator.Result]): The evaluation results. """ aggregated_results = self.aggregator.calculate(results) with open(self.path, 'w', newline='') as file: # creates (and overrides an existing) file writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=self.delimiter) # write header writer.writerow(['LABEL', 'METRIC', 'STATISTIC', 'VALUE']) for result in aggregated_results: writer.writerow([result.label, result.metric, result.id_, result.value])
[docs]class ConsoleStatisticsWriter(Writer): def __init__(self, precision: int = 3, use_logging: bool = False, functions: dict = None): """Represents a console evaluation results statistics writer. Args: precision (int): The float precision. use_logging (bool): Indicates whether to use the Python logging module or not. functions (dict): The function handles to calculate the statistics. """ super().__init__() self.aggregator = StatisticsAggregator(functions) self.write_helper = ConsoleWriterHelper(use_logging) self.precision = precision
[docs] def write(self, results: typing.List[evaluator.Result], **kwargs): """Writes the evaluation statistic results (e.g., mean and standard deviation of a metric over all cases). Args: results (typing.List[evaluator.Result]): The evaluation results. """ aggregated_results = self.aggregator.calculate(results) # header lines = [['LABEL', 'METRIC', 'STATISTIC', 'VALUE']] for result in aggregated_results: lines.append([result.label, result.metric, result.id_, result.value if isinstance(result.value, str) else f'{result.value:.{self.precision}f}']) self.write_helper.format_and_write(lines)