Source code for pymia.evaluation.evaluator

"""The evaluator module provides classes to evaluate the metrics on predictions.

All evaluators inherit the :class:`pymia.evaluation.evaluator.Evaluator`, which contains a list of results after
calling :meth:`pymia.evaluation.evaluator.Evaluator.evaluate`. The results can be passed to a writer of the
:mod:`pymia.evaluation.writer` module.
import abc
import typing

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

import pymia.evaluation.metric as pymia_metric

[docs]class Result: def __init__(self, id_: str, label: str, metric: str, value): """Represents a result. Args: id_ (str): The identification of the result (e.g., the subject's name). label (str): The label of the result (e.g., the foreground). metric (str): The metric. value (int, float): The value of the metric. """ self.id_ = id_ self.label = label self.metric = metric self.value = value
[docs]class Evaluator(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, metrics: typing.List[pymia_metric.Metric]): """Evaluator base class. Args: metrics (list of pymia_metric.Metric): A list of metrics. """ self.metrics = metrics self.results = []
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def evaluate(self, prediction: typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray], reference: typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray], id_: str, **kwargs): """Evaluates the metrics on the provided prediction and reference. Args: prediction (typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray]): The prediction. reference (typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray]): The reference. id_ (str): The identification of the case to evaluate. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the results.""" self.results = []
[docs]class SegmentationEvaluator(Evaluator): def __init__(self, metrics: typing.List[pymia_metric.Metric], labels: dict): """Represents a segmentation evaluator, evaluating metrics on predictions against references. Args: metrics (list of pymia_metric.Metric): A list of metrics. labels (dict): A dictionary with labels (key of type int) and label descriptions (value of type string). """ super().__init__(metrics) self.labels = labels
[docs] def add_label(self, label: typing.Union[tuple, int], description: str): """Adds a label with its description to the evaluation. Args: label (Union[tuple, int]): The label or a tuple of labels that should be merged. description (str): The label's description. """ self.labels[label] = description
[docs] def evaluate(self, prediction: typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray], reference: typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray], id_: str, **kwargs): """Evaluates the metrics on the provided prediction and reference image. Args: prediction (typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray]): The predicted image. reference (typing.Union[sitk.Image, np.ndarray]): The reference image. id_ (str): The identification of the case to evaluate. Raises: ValueError: If no labels are defined (see add_label). """ if not self.labels: raise ValueError('No labels to evaluate defined') if isinstance(prediction, sitk.Image) and prediction.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel() > 1: raise ValueError('Image has more than one component per pixel') if isinstance(reference, sitk.Image) and reference.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel() > 1: raise ValueError('Image has more than one component per pixel') prediction_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(prediction) if isinstance(prediction, sitk.Image) else prediction reference_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(reference) if isinstance(reference, sitk.Image) else reference for label, label_str in self.labels.items(): # get only current label prediction_of_label = np.in1d(prediction_array.ravel(), label, True).reshape(prediction_array.shape).astype(np.uint8) reference_of_label = np.in1d(reference_array.ravel(), label, True).reshape(reference_array.shape).astype(np.uint8) # calculate the confusion matrix for ConfusionMatrixMetric confusion_matrix = pymia_metric.ConfusionMatrix(prediction_of_label, reference_of_label) # for distance metrics distances = None # spacing depends on SimpleITK image properties or an isotropic spacing as fallback def get_spacing(): if isinstance(prediction, sitk.Image): return prediction.GetSpacing()[::-1] else: return (1.0,) * reference_of_label.ndim # use isotropic spacing of 1 mm # calculate the metrics for param_index, metric in enumerate(self.metrics): if isinstance(metric, pymia_metric.ConfusionMatrixMetric): metric.confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix # ensure this is checked before NumpyArrayMetric as SpacingMetric is itself a NumpyArrayMetric elif isinstance(metric, pymia_metric.SpacingMetric): metric.reference = reference_of_label metric.prediction = prediction_of_label metric.spacing = get_spacing() elif isinstance(metric, pymia_metric.NumpyArrayMetric): metric.reference = reference_of_label metric.prediction = prediction_of_label elif isinstance(metric, pymia_metric.DistanceMetric): if distances is None: # calculate distances only once distances = pymia_metric.Distances(prediction_of_label, reference_of_label, get_spacing()) metric.distances = distances self.results.append(Result(id_, label_str, metric.metric, metric.calculate()))