Source code for

import typing as t

# note: might be replaced with or wrap numpy.s_
[docs]class IndexExpression: def __init__(self, indexing: t.Union[int, tuple, t.List[int], t.List[tuple], t.List[list]] = None, axis: t.Union[int, tuple] = None) -> None: """Defines the indexing of a chunk of raw data in the dataset. Args: indexing (int, tuple, list): The indexing. If :obj:`int` or list of :obj:`int`, individual entries of and axis are indexed. If :obj:`tuple` or list of :obj:`tuple`, the axis should be sliced. axis (int, tuple): The axis/axes to the corresponding indexing. If :obj:`tuple`, the length has to be equal to the list length of :obj:`indexing` """ self.expression = None """list of :obj:`slice` objects defining the slicing each axis""" self.set_indexing(indexing, axis)
[docs] def set_indexing(self, indexing: t.Union[int, tuple, slice, t.List[int], t.List[tuple], t.List[list]], axis: t.Union[int, tuple] = None): if indexing is None: self.expression = slice(None) return if isinstance(indexing, int) or isinstance(indexing, tuple): indexing = [indexing] if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(len(indexing))) if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis,) expr = [slice(None) for _ in range(max(axis) + 1)] for a, index in zip(axis, indexing): if isinstance(index, int): expr[a] = index elif isinstance(index, (tuple, list)): start, stop = index expr[a] = slice(start, stop) elif isinstance(index, slice): expr[a] = index else: raise ValueError('Unknown type "{}" of index'.format(type(index))) # needs to be tuple otherwise exception from h5py while slicing self.expression = tuple(expr)
[docs] def get_indexing(self): """ Returns: list: a list tuples defining the indexing (i.e., None, index, (start, stop)) at each axis. Can be used to generate a new index expression. """ indexing = [] # todo(alainjungo): handle case when self.expression is of type slice for index in self.expression: if index is None: indexing.append(None) elif isinstance(index, slice): indexing.append((index.start, index.stop)) elif isinstance(index, int): indexing.append(index) else: raise ValueError("only 'int', 'slice', and 'None' types possible in expression") return indexing