Source code for

import abc

import numpy as np

import as defs
from . import datasource as ds

[docs]class SelectionStrategy(abc.ABC): """Interface for selecting indices according some rule. .. automethod:: __call__ .. automethod:: __repr__ """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, sample: dict) -> bool: """ Args: sample (dict): An extracted from :class:`.PymiaDatasource`. Returns: bool: Whether or not the sample should be considered. """ pass
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns: str: Representation of the strategy. Should include attributes such that it uniquely defines the strategy. """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class NonConstantSelection(SelectionStrategy): def __init__(self, loop_axis=None) -> None: super().__init__() self.loop_axis = loop_axis def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: image_data = sample[defs.KEY_IMAGES] if self.loop_axis is None: return not self._all_equal(image_data) slicing = [slice(None) for _ in range(image_data.ndim)] for i in range(image_data.shape[self.loop_axis]): slicing[self.loop_axis] = i slice_data = image_data[slicing] if not self._all_equal(slice_data): return True return False @staticmethod def _all_equal(image_data): return np.all(image_data == image_data.ravel()[0]) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.loop_axis)
[docs]class NonBlackSelection(SelectionStrategy): def __init__(self, black_value: float = 0.0) -> None: # todo: add something to do this for one sequence only, too -> loop over one dim self.black_value = black_value def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: return (sample[defs.KEY_IMAGES] > self.black_value).any() def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.black_value)
[docs]class PercentileSelection(SelectionStrategy): def __init__(self, percentile: float) -> None: # todo: add something to do this for one sequence only, too -> loop over one dim self.percentile = percentile def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: image_data = sample[defs.KEY_IMAGES] percentile_value = np.percentile(image_data, self.percentile) return (image_data >= percentile_value).all() def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{} ({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.percentile)
[docs]class WithForegroundSelection(SelectionStrategy): def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: return (sample[defs.KEY_LABELS]).any()
[docs]class SubjectSelection(SelectionStrategy): """Select subjects by their name or index.""" def __init__(self, subjects) -> None: if isinstance(subjects, int): subjects = (subjects, ) if isinstance(subjects, str): subjects = (subjects, ) self.subjects = subjects def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: return sample[defs.KEY_SUBJECT] in self.subjects or sample[defs.KEY_SUBJECT_INDEX] in self.subjects def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{} ({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(self.subjects))
[docs]class ComposeSelection(SelectionStrategy): def __init__(self, strategies) -> None: self.strategies = strategies def __call__(self, sample) -> bool: return all(strategy(sample) for strategy in self.strategies) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '|'.join(repr(s) for s in self.strategies)
def select_indices(data_source: ds.PymiaDatasource, selection_strategy: SelectionStrategy): selected_indices = [] for i, sample in enumerate(data_source): if selection_strategy(sample): selected_indices.append(i) return selected_indices